
How To Create A Csv File Using Notepad

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A CSV file, which is a "comma separated values" file, allows you to save your data in a table-structured format, which is useful when you need to manage a large database. CSV files can be created using Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Google Sheets, and Notepad.

  1. 1

    Open a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or Google Sheets.

    • If you want to convert an existing spreadsheet to CSV format, skip to step #4.
  2. 2

    Type each of your headers, or field names into the cells located in row 1 at the top of the spreadsheet. For example, if entering data for items you're selling, type "Item Name" into cell A1, "Item Price" into cell B1, "Item Description" into cell C1, and so on.[1]


  3. 3

    Enter your data into the spreadsheet under each column as needed. Using the example outlined in step #2, write the item name in cell A2, the item's price in cell B2, and the item's description in cell C2.

  4. 4

    Click on "File" and select "Save As" after you've entered all data into the spreadsheet. If using Google Sheets, this option will read as "File > Download as."[2]

  5. 5

    Select "CSV" under the "Save as type" dropdown menu.

  6. 6

    Type a name for your CSV file, then select "Save. " You have now created a CSV file, and commas will automatically be added to the file to separate each field.[3]


  1. 1

    Launch Notepad and type your field names separated by commas onto the first line. For example, if entering data for items you're selling, type the following onto the first line: "name,price,description." There must be no spaces between items.

  2. 2

    Type your data onto the second line, using the same format as your field names on the first line. Using the example outlined in step #1, write the actual item name, followed by the item's price and description. For example, if selling baseballs, write "baseball,5.99,sports."

  3. 3

    Continue typing your data for each individual item onto each subsequent line. If leaving any fields empty, make sure you include the comma, or the remaining fields will be off by one.

  4. 4

    Click on "File" and select "Save. "

  5. 5

    Type a name for your file and select ".csv" from the file extension dropdown menu.

  6. 6

    Click on "Save. " You have now created a CSV file in Notepad.[4]


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    How do I execute a CSV file?

    Community Answer

    CSV files are not executables, so you can't "run" it like an app. These files are usually read by programs that use it as data.

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Article SummaryX

To create a CSV file in Excel, start by opening a new spreadsheet. Then, type each of your headers in the columns in row 1 near the top of your sheet. Next, enter your data under each column, as needed. To save your finished spreadsheet, click "File" and "Save As." Then, select "CSV" under the "Save as type" drop-down menu near the bottom of the popup. Finally, name your file and select "Save" to save your spreadsheet. To learn how to create a CSV file using Notepad, keep scrolling!

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How To Create A Csv File Using Notepad


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